Homework and Oakwood Connect
In the Prep School we regard homework as both a tool for encouraging independent learners and as an important strand of the partnership between school and home. Independent work for home enables children to consolidate, support and extend their school based learning and parents gain a useful insight into their child’s learning and feel a part of the learning process.
Homework should not become a stressful chore or prevent a child from enjoying much needed leisure and relaxation time after the school day therefore we encourage parents to ensure their children do not work for longer than the recommended time.
An annual homework timetable is written in the Pupil Planner.
All Prep School pupils will receive a piece of English and maths homework linked to the learning objectives taught that week. From Year 4 upwards pupils also receive science homework. All pupils are encouraged to continue to read each night and practise their times tables and appropriate spellings to support their continued development and progress in the core subjects.
Pupils record their homework tasks daily in their pupil planner which is monitored by the subject teacher and form tutor. The planner is a very helpful tool for parents to give feedback to staff regarding any homework queries.
Oakwood Connect
The love of learning at Oakwood is strong and we find many children enjoy extending their learning at home, at the weekends and in the school holidays. To help facilitate this our 'Remote Learning Site' (found on the home page of our website) leads to a wealth of ideas and tasks pertaining to the curriculum. Children are encouraged to bring in any work completed at home so that their efforts and achievement may be recognised and their work shared.