Oakwood Prep School

Prep-School pupils in Science class

Prep School

"Pupils of all ages achieve highly in their all-round development and benefit from an excellent education to enable them to have the best start in life and to be able to achieve their potential." ISI 2017

Children enter the Prep School at Oakwood at Year 3, age seven, and most significantly, move to specialist subject teaching across the curriculum, supported by a form teacher. This early level of independence encourages confidence and responsibility in the safe and nurturing environment of Oakwood and is part of the careful preparation for their move to their chosen senior school.

The school prides itself on a record of high academic achievement with excellent performances in senior school entrance tests. Our pupils are successful in gaining entry to their chosen senior schools and consistently achieve scholarships and awards. High academic standards, inspirational teaching, small class sizes and exceptional setting arrangements in English and maths from Year 3, enable our pupils to maximise their potential during this key stage.

In the Prep School, children have the opportunity to represent the school in sports teams, plays, choirs and instrumental groups, all of which form part of the Oakwood experience and encourage co-operation and self motivation. Social and emotional development is maximised through involvement with the local schools and community, nominated school charities, contribution to school life, positions of responsibility and leadership and whole school projects which allow children of all ages to work together. 

Our extensive programme of visits and residential trips in the Prep School broadens the educational experience of each child at Oakwood, focusing on developing independence, confidence and an open mind through challenges. We believe Oakwood children are prepared for their next steps with the development of life skills and having the opportunity for adventure and discovery.  

Year 3 is a natural transition for all, whether moving from our own Pre-Prep or transferring from another school.  Positive and supportive relationships are actively promoted amongst all members of the Oakwood community, which is a particular strength of the school.  Effective communication and mutual respect are integral parts of this process and involve everyone including pupils, staff and parents.