Pre-School (Little Oaks)
Little Oaks Pre-School welcomes children into the Nursery from around two yeas old. We ask that children joining our Nursery are working towards being potty trained and dry, although we are able to cope with the occasional accident. In the September before a child’s fourth birthday, he or she moves to our Kindergarten where we can further engage, challenge and enthuse our pupils as they grow. The Nursery is accommodated in its own cosy building, close to the Pre-Prep part of the school and the Kindergarten classrooms are situated in a converted stables block around a busy and vibrant courtyard. Great care is taken to welcome and settle each child and there is a wonderful family atmosphere as well as a great sense of fun.
Little Oaks staff are all qualified and experienced and the Nursery team is led by Chloe Reed, who has a wealth of experience in Early Years Education. We maintain a ratio of 1:4 enabling us to really know our children and their individual needs and interests as well as allowing us to devote significant amounts of time to each child at this important first chapter of their life at Oakwood. Our Kindergartenis led by Corina Smith, an Early Years specialists with outstanding pastoral skills, creativity, patience and a sense of fun! Little Oaks operates a 'Key Person' system providing one particular member of staff who takes responsibility for your child. This helps both the child and the parent with continuity and a sense of belonging. It also helps both staff members and parents to build good rapport with each other.
The children at Little Oaks take part in lots of activities, including dance, P.E., music lessons, cookery, French lessons, outdoor learning and swimming, taught by specialist teachers. As our Little Oaks pupils are a part of our larger school community we are able to use our experienced teaching staff to support the Little Oaks Team. In addition, our youngest children benefit from developing strong bonds with some of our older pupils. A large emphasis is placed on building a solid foundation of social skills and a love of learning, which enables the children to settle confidently to school life.
Our children in Early Years are provided with milk and healthy, home-baked snack, as well as a selection of fresh fruit. This is given during the morning, either all-together or as a “rolling snack”, under the supervision of an adult. A two course school lunch is provided for all children. Children in Kindergarten eat lunch in the Dining Room along with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Nursery children eat the same food in the Nursery. Children are served by the staff who teach them who also sit and eat with the children. Nursery, Kindergarten and Kindergarten staff encourage children to use a knife and fork correctly, when able to do so, and promote good table manners. Staff will also support children with cutting up their food as well as encouraging them to try new foods.
Children are served a lunch consisting of a meat or protein, vegetables or salad and a carbohydrate. Puddings are varied ranging from yoghurt and fresh fruit to a more traditional cooked pudding. All food is cooked and prepared on site in our own kitchens with vegetarian alternatives or dietary/allergy requirements being accommodated. Oakwood is a no nut school.Weekly menus are available on the School website, and are shared in the Friday Flyer each week sent home electronically.
There is a secure garden with outdoor play facilities, as well as a covered play area ensuring that children can venture outside in most weathers. Little Oaks children make full use of the school facilities such as the gymnasium, theatre and wonderful playing fields.
Children in Little Oaks use the fabulous Woodland Walk on a regular basis enjoying our outdoor classroom, storytelling circle and magical woodland treehouse. They also love helping to look after Apple and Acorn, the much loved Oakwood rabbits as well as Alvin the tortoise. We love putting on our coats and hats to get some fresh air, whatever the weather!
We recognise that working parents rely on our wrap around care provision within the academic year and in school holidays. During term time, children from Nursery upwards are welcome to join Breakfast Club from 7.45am where they enjoy a varied breakfast (toast, cereal, juice and a special treat such as pancakes on a Friday) and then taken are to their classroom by our caring staff. After School care, including a light tea (sandwiches and fruit), is available daily until 6pm. We offer provision for pre-school children for 50 weeks of the year (excluding the last week of August and the week between Christmas and New Year). This is through our in-house holiday camp, Camp Little Oaks which is for children in Nursery, Kindergarten and in Reception up to the age of five years old. Oakwood staff run Camp Little Oaks so the children are familiar with the team and enjoy similar activities to term time. Our flexible booking system is appreciated by our parents who may wish to vary arrangements week by week during the holidays.